Is your WordPress installation infected?
Need your WordPress site migrated?
We can migrate your site seamlessly with no downtime at all for just $149*
Our normal charge is $99 to repair most hacks.
Wordpress Consulting

The Salad Days
Our team has many years of experience using WordPress. It has become a platform we have come to love. Having been so active with WordPress, we all followed best practices when it came to security and scalability. We started realizing that these best practices, and additional knowledge we’ve gained, could be valuable and provide peace of mind to people and organizations that run WordPress.

We started conceiving WordPush because many friends and associates of ours were experiencing a lot of attacks on their WordPress installations mostly because WordPress had become so easy to setup and deploy that little thought was put into Hardening practices and security. People just assume plugins are safe and nothing bad can happen. WRONG! Brute force attacks, malware code injection and other even more evil hacks are causing people all kinds of headaches. We had people begging for our help we haven’t worked for in years. We got really good at fixing WordPress. We can now fix almost anything. Surprise us!

Thinking Caps Activated
We were doing a lot of favors for friends and colleagues fixing their hacked and broken blogs. We thought.. “hmmm… we could actually help other people we don’t know and actually make some money instead of losing it helping our freeloading friends” No offense.